Hi there! My name is David D. Hofmann and I am a PhD student in ecology at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. Prior to my PhD, I did a master’s degree in economics and soonafter a master’s degree in environmental sciences. The latter ultimatelly led to my current position as a PhD student. My research interests mainly include spatial data analysis, remote sensing, movement ecology, and conservation science. Together with my colleagues at Popecol, I am currently working on the African wild dog dispersal project in Botswana. The goal of the project is to better understand movement behavior of the African wild dog during dispersal and to quantify the degree of landscape connectivity within the world’s largest protected area, the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area. We hope that our research will be of interest to a broad readership and that our insights will contribute to the successful conservation of the African wild dog, a charismatic, yet highly endangered species.
My PhD project involves lots of data and requires quite a bit of statistics. I mainly write my codes in R, but I also enjoy peaking into other languages such as C++ or Python.
Besides my passion for wild dogs and ecology, I am also highly fascinated by plants, which is why you’ll often find me outside taking pictures of plants or collecting specimens for my herbarium.
On this website I write about stuff that I find interesting and worthwile sharing. Mostly, you’ll find little R tutorials about things that excite me. Feel free to contact me at daviddenishofmannatgmail.com and make sure to read my blog.