
Posted by David D. Hofmann on Monday, January 1, 0001


Claase, MJ, Cherry, MI, Hofmann DD, Apps, PJ, McNutt, JW, Jordan, NR. Patterns of Scent Marking by African Wild Dogs, Lycaon pictus, at Shared Marking Sites. Animal Behavior, 2024; 207; 77-86.

Cozzi, G, Reilly, M, Abegg, D, Behr, DM, Brack, P, Claase, MJ, Holmberg, J, Hofmann, DD, Kalil, P, Ndlovu, S, Neelo, J, McNutt, JW. An AI‐Based Platform to Investigate African Large Carnivore Dispersal and Demography Across Broad Landscapes: A Case Study and Future Directions Using African Wild Dogs. African Journal of Ecology, 2023, aje.13227.

Hofmann, DD, Cozzi, G, McNutt, JW, Ozgul, A, Behr, DM. A Three-Step Approach for Assessing Landscape Connectivity Via Simulated Dispersal: African Wild Dog Case Study. Landscape Ecology, 2023; 38; 981–998.

Hofmann, DD, Behr, DM, McNutt, JW, Ozgul, A, Cozzi, G. Bound within Boundaries: Do Protected Areas Cover Movement Corridors of their Most Mobile, Protected Species? Journal of Applied Ecology 2021; 58: 1133– 1144.


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